
Now reserving spring and summer sessions! Call Mickelle at 801.898.3431 to schedule today!

Love at the Fair

I'm so behind on blogging! This is my attempt to catch up:

This is my cousin Brooke and her fiancée Perry. We took these at the Utah State Fair on a Friday night. Probably the busiest night of its run. Not exactly prime photo shoot crowds. On a side note, I brought Drew along for the shoot. When we finished we went to the Mitchell Musso convert(from Hannah Montana fame) and the Rodeo. What a FUN night!

Brooke and Perry were really good sports - even though everyone was staring! Probably the best part of the whole shoot was looking through the photos which contained tons of crazies in the background. They aren't getting married until next year, so hopefully I will get many more opportunities to have them in front of the camera.

Notice the guys staring in the background (funny!)

Love the bubbles? Some fair worker was selling bubble blowers so I asked kindly if he'd send them our way.


JoLayna said...

Girl, you are GOOD! The pics are awesome. (I can't believe Brooke is all grown up.)

Rachelle said...

How cute is the location? Love it! The pictures are fabulous!