
Now reserving spring and summer sessions! Call Mickelle at 801.898.3431 to schedule today!

Halloween Mini-Sessions


The Haymond kids

You may remember this cute family from here. I can't believe how much they grew in just one year!

Zach is the oldest. Growing up so fast. I love his hair.

Sometimes kids will give you a run for your money. This was Kaden's day to do that to me ... as referenced below.

Good thing he's so cute!

Anthony is so naturally photogenic. He loved getting his picture taken, that is always a plus!

I loved his green band-aid too much to edit it out.

Luckily Nicole has three older brothers to keep all those kindergarten boys away from her.

A silly shot is always in order to end a great shoot!

Family pictures season is upon us. Make sure to book today! Call 801-898-3431 or email firefliesphotos@hotmail.com for session availability and pricing.


You may recognize these darling brothers from here. Well, they added a new baby and guess what .... It's a Boy! Welcome baby Teddy.

I loved taking these photos and adore the birth announcement. It was a 5x7 folded flap card. When closed the 5x5 flap featuring the three brothers closed and the "OH BOY" showed on the side. So cute!

Baby Callie

This darling little girl came all the way from Nevada to get her pictures taken.
So glad she did. I think you will agree after you see these shots and her amazing, big brown eyes!

Baby Ross

I waited to share these photos of Ross until my sister and brother-in-law could get all of the announcements out. Note sure if they are all out, but I couldn't wait any longer. Indulge me ... it's a long post. His arrival was greatly anticipated by all of us, but especially Brian and Marisa.

His first name was my father's middle name and Ross' middle name is Marisa (and my) maiden name. Cool, huh! Without further aideu .... meet my new nephew Ross and his gorgeous big sister Ella.

a screen shot of his announcement ...

Can you believe this baby was a month early, didn't quite weigh 5 pounds and now he looks like this ....

It is really tiring being this cute: