
Now reserving spring and summer sessions! Call Mickelle at 801.898.3431 to schedule today!

Keeping up with the Jones'

Meet the Jones family. Lori is the cutest, most talented lady. I met her at a Glitter Toe party (sounds weird, I know) She does the best job and they last forever, if you want her number shoot me an email. Plus, she designed and made all the jewelry she and her girls are wearing.

We had scheduled this session two times, before our schedules and the weather cooperated. Some things are worth the wait!

I love this family shot! I love, love their clothes. It makes me happy to see Miss L and Miss G in their pink and red.

For whatever reason, I am loving the bw edits on this family.

Love the moodiness of this one, it totally matches him.


The Hardy Family said...

Love these pics! Btw, I want the mom's sweater, love that. (could you find out where she got it for me :)