This is cute baby Chloe. You may remember her from here. I guess she's no longer a baby, she turned one in October. Darci and Nick are expecting a baby girl this spring, can't wait to meet baby #2!
I'm way behind, but just had to post these two beautiful boys. This is the third time I've taken their pictures, its so fun to watch them grow! Plus, Heather and Ryan have always been such good friends to our family. Love them.
Jace wanted no part of me taking his photo ...
Look what happens when I hand over the iPhone to a two year old .... MAGIC!
Wow! Two posts in two hours? I'm not sure I've done them consecutive days, I'm usually a slacker.
These cute kids, Corbin and Abby, belong to Shaunna - Drew's kindergarten teacher's aide. We had been planning to do this since the spring and FINALLY got around to doing it. So glad we did.
More of Abby's pointe shoe pics to come later ....
Have you ever had one of those experiences when you think things are less then ideal, then BAM something great happens! When Annie asked me to take extended family pictures for her mom we didn't talk wardrobe or even decide on a location (until days before.)
The day before the shoot it rained all day and night. The morning of it was threatening and didn't begin raining until the shoot started. Then it really let loose!
We shot the whole session in literally 20 minutes, tops! And the yellow leaves with the black and gray color scheme ... a 'happy accident'!
Is it just me, or is he a dead ringer for Rob Lowe?
I love getting referrals. It is seriously the best compliment. This darling family was referred by Tammy Hall and I'm so glad. Stephanie and her family were so much fun! It is always a great session when the father is into it and Rob was. Plus, they have gorgeous children, it makes my job easy!
These beautiful sisters are just months apart. Both are 16. How fun!